privacy policy

This page is intended to inform you about the data we use and the third-party services we use to track anonymous visitor data, as well as the use of cookies by these third-party services.

Rest assured, we do not collect any data that can identify you personally.

First of all, we would like to assure you that we do not collect any data that can be used to identify you personally. Listed below are the types of data we do not collect and have never collected.

- We do not collect email addresses

- We do not collect telephone numbers

- We do not collect physical addresses

- We do not collect information about your name, age, gender, date of birth or occupation.

Third party services we use - GDPR/Data Privacy Policy and use of cookies

Our website uses several third party services to improve our website. These services include anonymous analytics tools, a site search tool and geotargeting services.

We need these services for several reasons. The primary purpose is to determine which of our game pages are popular and which are not. Using this information, we can focus on showing visitors the ones that people like the most, rather than the ones they don't really like.

In other words, we use this data to make the site better. The data we use is population level, not individual, to show trends and comparisons.

Anonymous web tracking services we use

We use the web tracking services of Google Analytics. Below you will find articles regarding their use of IP addresses, other data and cookies in the context of GDPR and European law.

In short, this company claims that the data they track and store, including cookies and IP address usage, is not personal data:

If you would like to opt out of statcounter cookies, please visit this page.

Your "right to be forgotten"

You can ask us to delete any data we hold about you. We will pass your request to our third party service providers within 28 days of your request and they will delete any data they hold relating to your IP address. If you want to eliminate the middlemen and make the process much faster, you can use the links provided on this page to contact companies (such as Google) directly and ask them to "forget" you.


Please note: this page is not a legal document and in no way constitutes legal advice.